Welcome to Disability Support Services

Disability Support Services complies with the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008. We are committed to providing access to students with documented disabilities.

We are located on the first floor of Wilson Hall.  Enter the double glass doors that say 麻豆精品视频 Disability Support Services and then follow the DSS signs to WIL 128.  If you are in need of accommodations (academic, housing, or regarding food allergies), follow our registration procedures.

Faculty, log in to the portal with your single sign-on

Returning registered students can activate their accommodations for the semester

Students, to schedule exams with Testing Services, and then:

  • On the left, click Alternative Testing
  • Where it says Select Class: Choose the class you want
  • Click Schedule Exam
  • Select type of request, enter the date and time (9:00 am or 1:00 pm time only)
  • Select the services you are requesting
  • Click Add Exam Request
  • Testing Services will send you an email when your date & time are approved, or letting you know they are full and offering a different time and/or date 

Note: Students, remember to schedule your exams for the same day your peers test in class.  You must get permission from your professor to schedule your exam on a different day than when the class tests.